San Jose State University
Dear Campus Community

I am pleased to announce the launch of the nomination process for a new faculty or staff Chicanx/Latinx Representative committee member for the SJSU Campus Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (CCDEI). This presidential campus standing committee of students, staff, administrators, faculty, and alumni is addressing issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion at San José State University. The CCDEI has identified equity gaps and made recommendations to President and Cabinet members on addressing systemic historical inequities. 

The CCDEI is staffed by the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and has three co-chairs, the Chief Diversity Officer, one tenured faculty member and a staff member. The CCDEI utilizes a systemic change lens to:
  • Engage campus communities to gather input and information from a broad representation of its students, staff, and faculty across units and institutional divisions
  • Identify priority areas and issues for increasing systemic change on equity for historically marginalized groups
  • Identify priority areas and issues for improving campus climate for students, staff, and faculty
  • Assess relevant and available data and reports (Task force reports, WASC, enrollment data, climate survey data, available survey data from units such as Financial Aid and Scholarship Office, University Personnel, Bursar’s Office and other units, as well as traditional institutional data) to support the identification of inequitable outcomes and practices as well as equitable outcomes and practices
  • Identify effective programs, practices, and initiatives that could be replicated and increased at scale to effect increases in diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Innovate and recommend effective programs, practices, and initiatives
  • Provide a framework and support to assist campus leaders in developing and implementing their own DEI plans
  • Produce an annual report with findings and recommendations to the President’s office each year

The Chicanx/Latinx Member will serve a two-year term, attend meetings, and serve on the committee. Please see a
detailed description of the committee purpose and scope of the member role for more details.
The recommended nominees for appointment will be made with the aim to optimize the range of expertise necessary to address historically recognized equity issues and the range of organizational units, positions and disciplinary areas of the campus. 
Please submit your nomination for a Chicanx/Latinx CCDEI member via the nomination form by Friday, September 8, 2023 for full consideration. The appointment will begin in the Fall semester of 2023. 
I encourage nominations of colleagues as well as self-nominations to serve on this committee. Please contact the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with any questions about the committee or the nomination process.

Dr. Cynthia Teniente-Matson
San Jose State University
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192