San Jose State University

Dear Spartan Community,

The Academic Senate and the President’s Office kindly request nominations for the 2024-2025 Faculty Outstanding Lecturer Award, Distinguished Service Award, Outstanding Professor Award, and President’s Scholar Award as provided by University Policy S13-6. Please review the nomination criteria for each of the awards and complete and submit the nomination via Google Forms by Tuesday, October 31, 2024.

To be eligible for any of the four faculty awards, an individual must: a) be a faculty member as defined by the Senate Constitution and Bylaws; b) not be part of the Management Personnel Plan (MPP) either when nominated or selected; c) not be retired - although retirement during the academic year does not forfeit eligibility for that year - and d) not have been awarded the particular award previously.

Please note that a previously tenured faculty who has relinquished tenure to participate in an early retirement program (e.g. FERP) will be eligible during the first year of the retirement program, and they will be regarded as retaining the academic rank held prior to the early retirement. Also note that nominees who are not selected in one year will remain in consideration in subsequent years; the awards committees will consider a nomination and its supporting materials through three selection cycles.

Following are the additional requirements for particular awards: a) nominees for the President's Scholar award must have attained the rank of Professor; b) for the Outstanding Lecturer award, a lecturer must have been at San José State University for at least six semesters; c) for the President’s Scholar award and the Outstanding Professor Award, nominees must have earned tenure at SJSU; d) for the Distinguished Service Award, nominees must either have earned tenure at SJSU, or have been a full-time Student Services Professional III or IV employee continuously for six years.

All nominations are to be accompanied by a 1500-word (maximum) letter stating the reasons for nominating the faculty/lecturer member and describing the accomplishments of the nominee as appropriate to the award criteria.

The award recipients will be officially recognized and invited to deliver a short address to the SJSU academic community. The individuals selected each will receive a plaque and a monetary award.

The awards timeline is as follows:



October 17, 2024  

Nominations Open

October 31, 2024  

Deadline to Submit Nominations

March 1, 2025  

Deadline for Awards Selection Committees to Submit Recommendations to the President

April 1, 2025  

President announces Award Winners

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Karthika Sasikumar, Academic Senate Chair, at [email protected], or the President’s Office at [email protected]. Thank you.


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Dr. Cynthia Teniente-Matson

Dr. Karthika Sasikumar

Chair, Academic Senate

San Jose State University
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192