Hello Friend,
Greetings Lurie College!
Welcome to 2024 Spring Semester! We hope that you are having a great first day of the semester. Here are some updates and Lurie College announcements.
We're looking forward to seeing and engaging with you all at our upcoming Faculty and Staff Spring Forum on Friday, Feb 16th, from 8:00 am-12:15 pm! The forum will be entirely in-person and will be held in the Student Union, Meeting Room 4.
RSCA supports & updates for the Spring Semester from Acting Faculty Associate Dean for Research, Ellen Middaugh, Ph.D.
- Lurie College Winter Writing Oasis -- Thursday 2/22 - Friday 2/23 (9am-4pm), SH331. See details and RSVP here.
- RSCA in 5 Call for Speakers. The next SJSU RSCA in Five on March 1 will focus on Social and Racial Justice. Please inform Ellen Middaugh know if you'd like to be nominated. Here is our event RSVP link.
- LCOE Faculty Symposia - SAVE THE DATE. Many thanks to our fabulous presenters from Fall, 2023 -- Sudha Krishnan, Tiffani Mari, Eddie Europa and Janet Bang! We've had a great turnout from within and beyond the college to raise our profile in the university. Please save the date for our Spring Faculty Symposia on Thurs 3/7 1:00PM and Tues 4/16 at 2:00PM.
- SJSU RSCA Seed Grants & VPRI teaming grants will be reviewed by the faculty RSCA committee and announced on March 15th.
Think you know your department staff? Put your knowledge to the test! We will be having a biweekly contest to guess, "Whose mug is this?" Interested in participating in this fun competition and winning a 5 dollar gift card? Contact Richard Hernandez for more details.
SSC RESOURCES Looking for advising resources? Be sure to check out the updated Intro to Advising & Course Registration for undergraduate success.
What is the Hardship Fund?
The Connie L. Lurie College of Education was established to help students with emergency financial need. Thanks to the generosity of other students, staff, faculty, and the community, Lurie College is able to provide this grant to support its students who have experienced an unforeseen financial hardship that will prevent them from continuing their enrollment at Lurie College and SJSU.
Since July 2019, the College has processed 176 awards for a total of $83,571. The awards had been fairly evenly split between undergraduate and graduate recipients.
Recipient Testimonial
"I am very grateful to have received the Hardship Grant! Because of the funding, the cost of gas for my internship has been covered which is really helpful for me. I'm really grateful that the Hardship Grant exists because it increases the equity for students who are financially insecure. Thank you so much to the committee and donors!"
-Graduate Student, Speech Language Pathology Program
Join us in recruiting future educators by completing this form to nominate students who have the promise and potential to become future educators! LCOE is excited to announce the return of our annual Celebration of Teaching!
The campaign is now open for the community to nominate students who have the promise and potential to become transformative educators. We look forward to honoring students from local middle schools, high schools, community colleges, SJSU, and community organizations.
Nominators and awardees will be invited to participate in a recognition ceremony on Friday, April 25, 2024. Awardees will be recognized and receive a $1000 scholarship if they enroll in a Lurie College credential program in the future.
Past nominations have provided inspiration and empowerment, and sparked curiosity and interest for so many of our future educators. Thank you for your continued participation by nominating a student, who has a passion for social justice, educational equity, and making an impact in their communities. We invite you to submit a nomination before March 17, 2024!
- M-Th from 8am-5pm you can go to Sweeney Hall 404 and tell them you are there to use the lactation room. There is an inner office there with signage that can be put up when in use. [Note: on T and Th if you want to access the room from 12-1pm, please arrive a little before 12pm if possible or email: [email protected] to make arrangements.]
- M-Th from 5pm-10pm you can get access to Sweeney Hall 234. This room is opened by using a key code. Please contact April Lee ([email protected]) to get the code. There will be a sign on the inside of the door that can be put on the outside of the door to let others know it is in use.
- If you have need for a lactation space at other times, please contact marcos.pizarro@sjsu.edu and we will find an option that works for you.
The SJSU Author & Artist Celebration with Special Recognition for Inventors will be taking place on April 17, 2024 honoring faculty and staff who have recently authored a published book or exhibited a significant work of art in the 2023 calendar year.
For this year’s celebration we also would like to recognize new inventions (for which the SJSU Patent Review Board has recommended SJSU file a patent application in 2023). If you are an inventor, please contact Director of Innovation Abby Queale at [email protected] for applicable submission criteria or visit the submission link below.
Interested authors and artists should complete and submit in the link below by February 16, 2024 at 5 p.m.
This Spring, eCampus and Center for Faculty Development are offering a professional development course for faculty entitled Adding Interactivity to your Courses . Consider applying if you’re interested in:
- creating more purposeful interactions in your courses (in-person, online or hybrid)
- redesigning your current activities/assignments
- viewing successful sample interactive activities
Details: This 10-12 hour course is self-paced and asynchronous. In order to receive a $500 stipend, all course work must be completed within Spring 2024.
The deadline to apply is February 5th. Space is limited. For more information and to apply:
The institute focuses on both cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Extended Reality (AR/VR/MR) technologies, aiming to enrich pedagogical approaches and create engaging learning opportunities. This program is designed to empower faculty to explore and integrate AI, XR, or a combination of both, into their teaching practices. Participants will collaborate with AI and XR specialists to develop a range of learning experiences, from AI-driven educational practices to immersive XR learning activities and innovative AI+XR integrated applications. The series of workshops, hands-on activities, and comprehensive resources provided will equip faculty to incorporate a variety of strategies – whether AI-enhanced, XR-based, or a synergistic combination – into their curriculum.
For full details of the program's offerings, please review the complete program description. Interested in joining the 2024 cohort? Apply today!
 New Role
Office of Field Experience
Congratulations to Jessica Ulteras Ruiz on her new role with the LCOE Office of Field Experiences as the Teacher Admissions Coordinator!
24: First Day of Instruction
24: Ann
ual Evaluations: Deadline to submit packet in eFaculty
26: RTP: Late-Add Period closes
26: Post Tenure Review: Deadline for requesting postponement.
[email protected])
26: Assigned Time for Exceptional Levels of Service to Students decisions announced
29: Sabbatical: USLC recommendation shared with candidates
9: Mini-Review (Annual Summary of Achievements) due
22: President Teniente-Matson Investiture Ceremony 22: Lurie College Winter Writing Oasis 9am-4pm, SH331. See details and RSVP here.
27: Annual Evaluations: Department-level recommendations shared with candidates
1: Sabbatical: Decisions released to candidates
8: Post Tenure Review: Candidate packets due in eFaculty
11: Mini Review: Departmental Evaluations shared with candidates
11: Range Elevation: Final Decisions released to candidates
12: Cumulative Evaluations: Candidate packets due in eFaculty 17: LCOE Presents: The Moth StorySLAM Showcase 7-8pm; Student Union Theater
The Lurie College Newsletter is dedicated to highlighting some of the amazing things we are doing here within our college. Sharing accomplishments and news is an important and excellent way for others to learn about the awesome things we are doing in the Lurie College of Education.
Click the link below to share items of interest to our LCoE faculty and staff colleagues, and the broader public.
Last year, we were able to accomplish some incredible things here at Lurie College. Read about the amazing highlights in Annual Impact Report.
“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”
- Gail Devers