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Hello Friend,
Greetings Spartan!

On April 13th, Lurie College students, staff, and faculty joined forces with the Student Success Center to meet with hundreds of  future Spartans and their families who came out to celebrate Admitted Spartan Day 2024.

Our team had a great time getting to know our future Lurie College students while sharing about our impactful program pathways and opportunities and look forwarding to welcoming our Lurie College students in the fall.
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It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Patty Swanson on Sunday, March 24, 2024.

Patty was a Professor of Teacher Education in the Connie L. Lurie College of Education and had been with SJSU since 1997. 

We are in contact with the Swanson family and share our condolences with the family. Our thoughts are with them and those who were a friend or colleague of Patty. 

​​In her honor, we have established the Patty Swanson Endowed Scholarship. You can give in honor of Patty by visiting

As we grieve the loss of a member of our Spartan community, LifeMatters® by Empathia is available for employees who would like to speak to a grief counselor.

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The LCOE Spring '23 Commencement will be held on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 6:30PM at the Provident Credit Union Event Center .

The college is in need of 2  Faculty Marshals  to support the Spring '24 Commencement and reach the minimum needed for the event. 

If you are interested in supporting this very special day for our graduates please review the details and complete this form at your earliest convenience. 

Any questions or concern please reach out to Richard Hernandez via email at [email protected].

Please complete this RSVP by  Thursday, May 2, 2024  at  12:00pm .
Last weekend, SJSU's Healthy Development Community Clinic attended VivaCalleSJ - a community event created to promote health, wellness, and community engagement.

In addition to connecting with community members and other local organizations, the team used this opportunity to promote HDCC's weekly wellness activities, upcoming community events like Frustrated Frida's Fun Day (May 4th), and Dr. Jacqueline Bergman's research study focused on creating nutrition education programs rooted in the collective community voices.

Learn more about HDCC and explore the amazing community services, along with upcoming events at
The IPE Collaboration Symposium took during World Health Day on 4.12.24. This inaugural opportunity joined colleagues and students in interprofessional dialogue from the departments of Audiology, Communicative Disorders & Sciences, Department of Child and Adolescent Development, Social Work, Nursing, Occupational Therapy and Kinesiology. The event began with a case study followed by breakout sessions bringing colleagues together for discussion on treatment plans and goal setting, community-based populations with various conditions, and the use of simulations within the departments of nursing, social work and occupational therapy. 
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Changes to Lodging Rate
The maximum lodging rate has been increased from $275 to $333 per night, excluding taxes, for in-state and out-of-state travel. This rate is effective for business travel on or after April 18, 2024. Rates over $333 must be pre-approved by a campus vice president or designee in accordance with the campus approval process. Please complete the Maximum Lodging Limits Justification form in DocuSign. The form must include the business purpose for the necessity to stay within certain facilities. The approved form must be uploaded to your FTS Travel Authorization. 
The Connie L. Lurie College of Education makes funds available to support students who have experienced an unforeseen financial hardship that will prevent them from continuing their enrollment. Most often cited are the challenges of meeting the costs of living (transportation, rent, and other expenses) during the unpaid student teaching/ counseling requirements for becoming an educator.

"I am very grateful to have received the Hardship Grant! Because of the funding, the cost of gas for my internship has been covered which is really helpful for me. I'm really grateful that the Hardship Grant exists because it increases the equity for students who are financially insecure. Thank you so much to the committee and donors!"

-Graduate Student, Speech Language Pathology Program

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A message from Janene Perez, Director of Alumni Engagement

The Alumni Association recently sent out the invitation for our annual Celebration of Alumni Excellence event. I'm hoping to enlist your support by spreading the word as well! Please join us, and encourage your faculty and alums you are connected to, to register soon (faculty can register as recent alumni so they will not be charged). You can also   visit our website  for updates as we continue to add to our speaker list. 

Lastly, it's never too soon to start planning for next year! I'd love your suggestions for panelists and program additions for 2025.

Thank you!
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Spring 2024 Celebration

Hosted by SJSU Staff Council Sponsored by the Office of the Provost

WEDNESDAY, April 24, 2024
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Location: Student Union, Meeting Room 4 A&B
RSVP is required by April 19, 2024 at 5:00 pm 
(Space is limited to 150 guests)
All SJSU and Auxiliary Staff are invited!

Join us for a complimentary lunch, mingle with the Executive Committee, SJSU Cabinet members, colleagues from various departments, and let's celebrate your accomplishments this semester!

Click to add to your Google Calendar

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Spring 2024 Rising Newsletter

The Ed.D. Leadership Program's Spring 2024 Rising Newsletter, is now available. Highlighted in this newsletter are the graduating Cohort 8 students and their dissertations. We also introduce the new Ed.D. Program Co-Directors, Drs. Ellen Middaugh and Allison Briceño, who will begin their appointment in July. As always, we are pleased to share the many achievements of Ed.D. students, alumni, and faculty.

Read Rising Now
Be sure to check out the work of the Academic Senate in our meeting digest. If you have any questions, please contact your senate representatives: Ravisha Mathur and Eduardo Munoz-Munoz.
The Title IX Office will has launched a campus-wide survey to help measure the effectiveness of recent improvements to its program.  Many employees may feel that the Title IX Office focuses on students, but it is a resource that is equally available to our employees as well. Therefore, employee feedback will be important to the success of the survey.

Please take a moment to complete this brief 5-7 minutes to complete survey.
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See the Employee Discount Codes page for passwords and codes for discounts to amusement parks, museums, movie tickets and more. (requires SJSUOne login).

Check out some of the perks and discounts below!
  • Tickets at Work - A one-stop shop for exclusive savings on products, services, and experiences, with new deals added weekly.

Department of Counselor Education

Department of Child and Adolescent Development   

"I dedicate my life's work to develop expertise and deeper factual knowledge about youth and their families for they are the "fabric of community."

Congratulations to Alma Acosta Sánchez, '24 MA Child and Adolescent Development, on her recent nomination for outstanding thesis consideration.  This is a huge honor and recognition!

Department of Special Education 

EdSource (op-ed) Dr. Sudha Krishnan and Dr. Sara Caniglia-Schulte explore the growing concern has emerged in California regarding the educational rights of students with extensive support needs.    Too much downtime, too little learning in special day classes.
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24: How to Be Your Own Ally with Ally, 12:00 - 1:15pm
29: Mini Review: College-level evaluations sent to candidates

6: How I Write: A Summer RSCA Workshop, 11:00am - 12:00pm
8: Post Tenure Review: College-level comments sent to PTR faculty
9: iClicker Cloud Super Session, 9:30 - 10:00 am
13: Last day of instruction
14: No classes (study/conference day)
14: Cumulative Evaluations: College-level revaluations sent to faculty
15-21: Final Examinations
22: Final Examinations Make-Up Day
22-24: Commencement
24: Grades due from faculty
24: End of the academic year
27: Campus closed
31: RTP: Final decisions released

19: Campus Closed
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Join us in celebrating Global Accessibility Awareness Day on May 16th!

See what SJSU faculty and staff are doing to create a more accessible and inclusive campus! With over one billion of the world’s population with disabilities/impairments, it is essential that we make accessibility a core requirement!
Visit Accessibility at SJSU on May 16th and check out the inspiring ways accessibility is front and center on our campus.

To explore more, see the Global Accessibility Awareness Day webpage and consider enrolling in the Accessibility with Ally a Self Directed Course! This course consists of 8 modules guiding you through creating accessible content. You can use the course as a resource or complete all module assessments for a badge and certificate.
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Updates from the Center for Faculty Development and eCampus

Congratulations to the 35 faculty members that earned their certificate and digital badge in the early spring cohort of the AI Tools For Teaching & Learning Course offered by the Chancellor’s Office. Registration is now open for the summer cohorts (5/27-6/16, 6/24-7/28, 7/29-8/18).

Course Description: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence tools where guided experimentation empowers participants to understand some of the basics of AI functionality, including its workings and methods for detecting its usage. Learn basic AI terminology, engage in hands-on exploration of AI Tools, learn strategies for detecting AI-generated content, and techniques to address potential misuse of AI tools by students. Participants will apply the knowledge gained to develop a personalized AI use policy for their course, and find resources to maintain currency in this dynamic field.

Course Commitment:
3 weeks, 20-25 hours, online, asynchronous. Seating is limited due to high demand, so register early.

Register Today
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Interested in learning more about Quality Matters (QM) and its certification process? Please fill out the interest form to receive more information and guidance. Don’t forget to check out the upcoming QM Training Summer Sessions provided by the CSU Chancellor’s Office:

Interest Form
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Explore brief skill expanding opportunities from Adobe on topics ranging from designing an infographic, developing a podcast, creating digital portfolios, and more. Review the entire list of opportunities with strategies that can benefit both you and your students. Reserve your spot to expand your digital skills.
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Providing multiple ways for students to access their course content creates a more equitable and inclusive learning environment. Panopto’s new feature automatically provides clear transcripts (without timestamps) that are ready for download! Please let your students know about this great feature! See  How to Download Panopto Transcripts for more information.
Make every student, faculty, and alumni interaction a warm one. Namecoach ensures a sense of belonging from the first interaction. Namecoach provides a simple and effective solution: audio name pronunciations seamlessly integrated with other SJSU online tools, such as Canvas and Gmail. It provides the ability to automatically see pronunciations for any class roster or student profile. In addition, Namecoach supports smooth and inclusive commencements. Get setup today or reach out to eCampus for more information.
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Introducing the Male Educators of Color Initiative (MECI): Funded Teaching Preparation and Master’s Programs

Julia Halprin Jackson talks with Lurie College Associate Professor of Teacher Education, Luis Poza about his newest role as the Director of the Male Educators of Color Initiative (MECI) and the amazing opportunities it is creating for students.

“We’re Always Striving”: Deep Dive in Five with Heather Lattimer

The Connie L. Lurie College of Education Dean Heather Lattimer shares a few examples of how the college is attracting, training and retaining next-generation educators.

Read more Lurie College of Education features in the newest edition of the Spring 2024 Washington Square: The Magazine
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The Lurie College Newsletter is dedicated to highlighting some of the amazing things we are doing here within our college. Sharing accomplishments and news is an important and excellent way for others to learn about the awesome things we are doing in the Lurie College of Education.

Click the link below to share items of interest to our LCoE faculty and staff colleagues, and the broader public.

facebook     twitter      linkedin     instagram     youtube  

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”
- Henry Ford

San Jose State University
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192